
This just in: Hawaii will sink!............In 80 Million Yrs

Seeing as how we live in Earthquake country, another little island just east of the Mississip... is worrying about the same thing. *The island was also rocked by a 6.7 just days ago*

Slowly, slowly, the Big Island of Hawaii is sinking toward its doom. From its palm-fringed beaches to the summit of Mauna Kea, 13,796 feet high, nothing will remain of that volcanic island but a small, stony lump on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean in the far northwest, thousands of miles from where it stands today.

And then it will disappear completely, swallowed into the Earth's heaving crust.

Click below to read the SFgate article.


Wii would like to play

Whenever a new videogame system debuts over here in the U.S, the theme song from the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey always pops in my head for some strange reason.

It's become well known that the videogame industry surpasses the movie industry in terms of sheer profit. Which makes me wonder, and fear, and wonder some more. "What the heck are we all studying?!?!?

No one is ever too old for videogames. No One. (There's a video of a 60-year old man enjoying a rousing game of remote bowling).

And Kudos to Nintendo which favors exercise and getting lazy arses (like mine) out of our cushy chairs. This is what probably makes the Wii stand apart from the PS3 and the Xbox 360. And its retailed at $249.99. PS3 and 360 base price, bare necessities ~ $399. (pricing and bundles vary)

See for yourself kids.

Click below to see a videodemo of the Wii in action.


Time Lapse Film of A Cross Country Road Trip

Michel Gondry, gives us a tour of America with this ephemeral yet evocative music video. Time to start planning that cross-country road trip.


And now, a web brief...


is a pretty good site for TV and Film junkies. Content and news are added by bloggers from across the globe. Its like when a friend tells you the little tidbits about how a show or movie is/got made. That kind of word-of-mouth news. Some of the news is opinionated, and some are just the facts, Jack.


New technology and services seems to come out every couple of months. And just when you find out about a new cool gadget thingy and rave about it to your friends they say, "Oh that thing? That's like so yesterday. The [Product name] came out months ago. I got one already online. See." These people either work in technology or they read Wired.

And now, by far THE BEST BLOG ON EARTH!

But don't take my word for it. Oh no, here's what others have to say:

"It's Laugh-Out-Loud Funny!, a rollercoaster ride," raves Joel Seagull of Good Morning America.

This blogger has emotion, depth, and will change the way you see the world. If you don't see this blog, you will miss out on web history in the making. Perhaps the most informative news provider of our time, he reports with flair and courage, says, Katie Koric of the CBS Evening News.

Peeter Traveler of Rolling Stone remarked, "Explosive, witty, a Hitchcockian thriller!"

Mel Geebson said in interview comment, "His content, my god, it's so profane and violent, it makes BraveHart and Passion of the Kriste look like kiddie flicks."

Chawlie Rose stated, "This person should run for President!"

In a recent press conference, President Boosh stated to the press, "I pee'd mah pants. A Hyuk!"

Flaver Flavv says, "This (beep) right here has more Flava than I'll ever have!"

At a party in NY, Pariz Helton was overheard saying, "That's hot."


(actual celebrities not available for comment)


Final proj - Brainstorm

Think!!!!! Damn it!!!! Think!!!!!!!! ARGHHH!!!!!

Crap. I don't know what to do as a final project. Maybe something with music and a parody of something (I'm not spoofing the SNL shorts, that'd be lame). I'm pretty sure you've all seen the Saturday Night Live (SNL) Digital Shorts before. There's 2 music videos of recent that stand out in my mind as the most funny and original.

Click here for Natalie's vid.

Click here for the "Lazy" vid.

This is what I don't want to do.

Click below
The lame spoof on Sunday

It all sounds vague I know, but suggestions are welcome.